Field Test Eve

Tomorrow the Hordes communities will be whipped up into a frenzy with the release of the Hordes Field Test Rules. ย  While there will undoubtedly be players dissecting the rules and identifying the merits and flaws of various models logically, the amount of outcry promises to be very entertaining. ย  I can’t wait for the circus to start.

Angry Mob or Menite Party
Angry Mob or Menite Party?

Privateer Press has tightened up their forum policies since the the Warmachine field test and are currently in the process of updating their forum software. ย  Whether or not that means they are more hardline regarding doom-saying and complaining on their forum will be seen soon but the forums will definitely be busy for the next few weeks.

I’ve discussed the optimism I have towards the new rules before, and that still holds true. ย  I’m going to be going through at the very least the Legion of Everblight, my own faction, to compare changes but only so far as to keep me from trying to play MkI rules and styles in a MkII world. ย  Then the glorious re-education process begins.


  1. I’m all a giddy with anticipation. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think I’ll just cancel all the patients tomorrow so I can read the documents.

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